Player: DrMan

Overall Stats

Total ScoreGamesWinsWin %Best XLBest ScoreAverage ScoreFirst GameMost Recent Game
702,175,749542648.15%2774,098,65913,003,2542020-12-27 14:05:592024-04-06 18:23:24


119,675,152SkMAHopliteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!49,73602:38:41Wu Jian32023-11-17 15:08:281.40.2cko
212,701,956FoVMDevastatorescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!77,23606:55:13Gozag32023-11-21 10:56:331.40.3cko
318,017,499SDFEInfernalistescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!62,54404:19:03Vehumet42023-11-23 21:24:401.40.3cko
418,066,869EnAMSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!62,48104:20:57Ashenzari42023-11-28 22:40:351.40.3cko
517,981,726OgAcConquerorescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!62,77903:52:25Okawaru42023-11-29 23:00:201.40.3cko
615,451,120AvReCloud Mageescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!73,09603:33:01Vehumet42023-12-10 10:42:331.40.3cko
716,271,783DjAERuinousescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!60,07703:39:57Ashenzari32024-01-18 02:01:461.40.3cko
819,486,726TrCKSenseiescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!57,61103:38:54Jiyva42024-01-24 14:00:431.40.3cko
915,325,447VSRgNinjaescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!73,67304:15:05Hepliaklqana42024-02-08 19:34:291.40.3cko
1013,872,663DgWrSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!81,50406:21:23Demigod42024-02-13 19:15:371.40.3cko
1117,894,423HuTmSenseiescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!62,90104:19:54Hepliaklqana42024-02-16 16:17:001.40.3cko
1224,241,547MfIEAcrobatescaped with the Orb and 9 runes!69,34704:59:42Ashenzari92024-02-24 16:55:421.40.3cko
1330,836,091OnCjSlayerescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!69,88904:33:59Ashenzari152024-02-27 19:28:511.40.3cko
1424,382,897HOAcOrcish Barricadeescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!88,84804:53:50Trog152024-03-01 14:04:251.40.3cko
1513,963,058HEIESlayerescaped with the Orb and 6 runes!99,11405:31:00Gozag62024-03-04 19:37:471.40.3cko
1624,535,934HEFEInfernalistescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!88,24105:47:44Vehumet152024-03-06 13:11:101.40.3cko
1714,517,627KoSpSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!77,87604:22:12Uskayaw42024-03-08 22:41:401.40.3cko
1817,059,618OpWzDemonologistescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!73,67005:06:32Ru52024-03-11 19:17:241.40.3cko
1919,416,662DDEEPetrodigitatorescaped with the Orb and 10 runes!91,48206:26:32Elyvilon102024-03-18 10:50:111.40.3cko
2014,991,574FeEnBewitcherescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!73,39705:27:10Dithmenos42024-03-19 14:54:011.40.3cko
2120,554,269EnSAConquerorescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!61,26603:00:58Cheibriados52024-03-23 14:11:281.40.3cko
2221,227,315FrVMSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!52,91003:00:40Ashenzari42024-03-26 11:30:471.41cko
2326,608,987AvAEArchmageescaped with the Orb and 12 runes!72,68804:55:57Vehumet122024-04-01 21:46:061.41cko
2432,732,207SkSkArchmageescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!65,89105:12:35Ashenzari152024-04-04 16:45:111.41cko
2516,534,955MuNeNecromancerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!68,09904:27:25Gozag42024-04-06 03:03:141.41cko
2616,214,114VSSpHopliteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!60,29003:11:35Gozag32024-04-06 18:23:241.41cko

Streaks of Wins

 WinsStartEndGamesStreak Breaker
1192024-01-24 14:00:432024-04-06 18:23:24TrCK, VSRg, DgWr, HuTm, MfIE, OnCj, HOAc, HEIE, HEFE, KoSp, OpWz, DDEE, FeEn, EnSA, FrVM, AvAE, SkSk, MuNe, VSSp
232023-11-17 15:08:282023-11-23 21:24:40SkMA, FoVM, SDFEEnAM
322023-11-28 22:40:352023-11-29 23:00:20EnAM, OgAcAvRe
422023-12-10 10:42:332024-01-18 02:01:46AvRe, DjAEHOCK

Recent Games

16,214,114VSSpGozagHopliteescaped with the Orb and 3 runes!2760,29003:11:3532024-04-06 18:23:241.41cko
16,534,955MuNeGozagNecromancerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!2768,09904:27:2542024-04-06 03:03:141.41cko
32,732,207SkSkAshenzariArchmageescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2765,89105:12:35152024-04-04 16:45:111.41cko
26,608,987AvAEVehumetArchmageescaped with the Orb and 12 runes!2772,68804:55:57122024-04-01 21:46:061.41cko
21,227,315FrVMAshenzariSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!2752,91003:00:4042024-03-26 11:30:471.41cko
20,554,269EnSACheibriadosConquerorescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!2761,26603:00:5852024-03-23 14:11:281.40.3cko
14,991,574FeEnDithmenosBewitcherescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!2473,39705:27:1042024-03-19 14:54:011.40.3cko
19,416,662DDEEElyvilonPetrodigitatorescaped with the Orb and 10 runes!2791,48206:26:32102024-03-18 10:50:111.40.3cko
17,059,618OpWzRuDemonologistescaped with the Orb and 5 runes!2573,67005:06:3252024-03-11 19:17:241.40.3cko
14,517,627KoSpUskayawSlayerescaped with the Orb and 4 runes!2777,87604:22:1242024-03-08 22:41:401.40.3cko
24,535,934HEFEVehumetInfernalistescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2788,24105:47:44152024-03-06 13:11:101.40.3cko
13,963,058HEIEGozagSlayerescaped with the Orb and 6 runes!2799,11405:31:0062024-03-04 19:37:471.40.3cko
24,382,897HOAcTrogOrcish Barricadeescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2788,84804:53:50152024-03-01 14:04:251.40.3cko
30,836,091OnCjAshenzariSlayerescaped with the Orb and 15 runes!2769,88904:33:59152024-02-27 19:28:511.40.3cko
24,241,547MfIEAshenzariAcrobatescaped with the Orb and 9 runes!2769,34704:59:4292024-02-24 16:55:421.40.3cko

Combo Highscores

SkSk* (32732207), OnCj* (30836091), HEFE* (24535934), HOAc* (24382897), MfIE* (24241547), TrCK* (19486726), DDEE* (19416662), EnAM* (18066869), SDFE* (18017499), HuTm* (17894423), OpWz* (17059618), MuNe* (16534955), FeEn* (14991574), KoSp* (14517627), HEIE* (13963058), FoVM* (12701956), SkVM (326763)

* Winning Game

Species Highscores

On* (30836091), HE* (24535934), Mf* (24241547), DD* (19416662), Mu* (16534955)

* Winning Game

Class Highscores

Sk* (32732207), IE* (24241547), Ne* (16534955)

* Winning Game

Winning Characters

Av1                1          2Av
Ba                             Ba
Ce                             Ce
DD       1                    1DD
Dg                          1 1Dg
Dj1                           1Dj
Dr                             Dr
Ds                             Ds
En  1                1        2En
Fe        1                   1Fe
Fo                        1   1Fo
Fr                        1   1Fr
Gh                             Gh
Gn                             Gn
Gr                             Gr
HE         1   1              2HE
HO   1                        1HO
Hu                       1    1Hu
Ko                     1      1Ko
Mf             1              1Mf
Mi                             Mi
Mu                1           1Mu
Na                             Na
Og   1                        1Og
On      1                     1On
Op                           11Op
SD         1                  1SD
Sk              1     1       2Sk
Sp                             Sp
Tr     1                      1Tr
VS                  1  1      2VS
Vp                             Vp
 2 12 11112   21 111112 12 1126 

Games Played

Av1                2          3Av
Ba                             Ba
Ce                             Ce
DD       1                    1DD
Dg                          1 1Dg
Dj1                           1Dj
Dr                             Dr
Ds                             Ds
En  2                1        3En
Fe        1                 22 23Fe
Fo                        1   1Fo
Fr                        1   1Fr
Gh                             Gh
Gn                             Gn
Gr                             Gr
HE         1   1              2HE
HO   1 1                      2HO
Hu                       1    1Hu
Ko                     1      1Ko
Mf             1              1Mf
Mi                             Mi
Mu                1           1Mu
Na                             Na
Og   1                        1Og
On      1                    23On
Op                           11Op
SD         1                  1SD
Sk              1     1   1   3Sk
Sp                             Sp
Tr     1                      1Tr
VS                  1  1      2VS
Vp                             Vp
 2 22 21112   21 121112 13 23354 

Best Character Levels

Av27                27          27Av
Ba                             Ba
Ce                             Ce
DD       27                    27DD
Dg                          27 27Dg
Dj27                           27Dj
Dr                             Dr
Ds                             Ds
En  27                27        27En
Fe        24                 12 24Fe
Fo                        27   27Fo
Fr                        27   27Fr
Gh                             Gh
Gn                             Gn
Gr                             Gr
HE         27   27              27HE
HO   27 26                      27HO
Hu                       27    27Hu
Ko                     27      27Ko
Mf             27              27Mf
Mi                             Mi
Mu                27           27Mu
Na                             Na
Og   27                        27Og
On      27                    1227On
Op                           2525Op
SD         27                  27SD
Sk              27     27   12   27Sk
Sp                             Sp
Tr     27                      27Tr
VS                  27  27      27VS
Vp                             Vp
 27 2727 2727272427   2727 272727272727 2727 272527 

Last updated 2024-04-06 18:23:48 UTC.